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Reality Capture

Reality Capture is a proprietary photogrammetry software made by CapturingReality. It is most commonly used in the virtual reality, visual effects, gaming, surveying, and cultural heritage industries.

Specific Overview

Software License / Pricing

Reality Capture is available in two pricing models: Pay-Per-Input (PPI) and the unlimited enterprise license [1].

The PPI license is a pre-paid point based system, where the cost is dependent on the dataset. Currently a pack of 8000 credits costs 20USD. The software can be used without spending any PPI points, which only become due when exporting anything. Once payed, the dataset is considered "licensed" and all other exports can be made free of charge. The price of a dataset is calculated by the total number of megapixels of all input images. The exact cost of a dataset can be calculated using the PPI credits calculator.

The unlimited enterprise license currently goes for 3750USD and is perpetual.

Software Features

Besides basic photogrammetry (aligning cameras, creating point clouds, calculating a mesh), Reality Capture's features include texture projection, mesh post processing (filtering, smoothing), geo referencing, scaling, aligning coded markers, parallel projections and various exports and imports.

Software Requirements

Reality Capture currently only runs on 64bit Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 or Windows Server version 2008+ with the following minimal requirements [2]:

  • 8GB of Ram
  • NVIDIA graphics card with CUDA 3.0+ and 1GB VRAM
  • CUDA Toolkit 10.2 with driver version 441.22+

Hardware Related to the software



  • 2021-03-09: Epic Games bought Capturing Reality [3]

See Also


Any references made in this can be cited here and linked. We do not mind links to blogs or youtube videos, as a lot of topics in this field are uncovered by trial and error, so we can expect a lot of community sourced information to come in this form.

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