Apple Object Capture
About Software
Please enter a brief description of the Software that describes what the it is, where/who it came from and how it is used in the industry of 3D scanning Please note that you do not need to fill out all of these fields, only the ones that apply to the software.
Specific Overview
Give an overview of the software, Are there multiple versions? can you use it for free? what is the expected industry for this software?
Child Information
For topics which need to break down even further, IE specific details about how it writes out obj files. If this information block gets too busy its best split into its own page.
Software License / Pricing
Give an overview of the licensing scheme and associated price of the software, or link to the pricing page of the vendor.
Software Features
Give an overview of the features This could include any API it has
Feel free to use tables here to give explicit looks at the features between software versions
Software Requirements
Give an overview of the requirements to run this software
Hardware Related to the software
Please list hardware here that may be required by the software
For topics such as photogrammetry which have incredibly broad hardware options please link to a sub-page, ie "Software_Hardware"
For topics with a strong DIY community or DIY options, then please link to a DIY page
Please link to any strong videos on the software , if this gets too broad then please link to a sub page, ie "BestPhotogrammetrySoftware_Resources"
Give an overview of the history of the software
See Also
Is the software similar to another, but not linked directly in this page? Please link to any other topics that may be similar that people would want to read more on
Any references made in this can be cited here and linked. We do not mind links to blogs or youtube videos, as a lot of topics in this field are uncovered by trial and error, so we can expect a lot of community sourced information to come in this form.
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